Not Home

Réalisé en plus de 1 mois | Équipe de 6 personnes

Technologies et softwares utilisés

Description du jeu

We are excited to introduce Not Home! Note: This is a prototype and may contain bugs!

Not Home is a multiplayer game where you and a friend will explore a mysterious map, communicate effectively, and find objects to escape the planet where you’ve just made an emergency landing.

To play Not Home, you’ll need Steam to invite your friends to your lobby. Please keep in mind that this game is a work in progress and not yet finished!

The purpose of this download is to gather feedback. We want to know if players are interested in seeing this project grow into a full, polished release. Share your thoughts in the comments section and let us know what features or improvements you’d like to see in the game!

Created with Unity.

L'équipe du jeu